Shared Housing

How do I move with my plants?

Alcove Team · 2/10/22

How do I move with my plants?

Are you planning on relocating, but also have many plants that you are finding it difficult to part with? Keep reading as we are sharing the best tips on how to move with plants! 

Before you Move

A few weeks before you move, you will have to start preparing your plants. The first thing to do is to remove any old, dry or dead leaves. This is also a good time to thoroughly go through your plants and check for any pests or insects.

Depending on what type of plants you have, you might want to determine if cutting some section of the plans is needed or not, especially if you have large hanging plants. Do not forget that pruning can actually be very healthy for your plants. About two days before you leave, you would also want to take care of your plants watering needs. Give them the normal amount of moisture they need without overwatering them!

Make sure to do a careful research on how exactly you are going to move your plants. This process should start at least a month before your move day, as it might require a lot of preparation and work.

For example, if you are using a transportation company you would have to go through their non-ship items list and make sure that plants are not part of it.

Do not forget to also check your new state regulations on bring in plants. California, for instance, is one of the states which strongly prohibits bringing in citrus trees. Do your research and make sure that you are in compliance! 

During the Move

In most occasions, people opt to taking their plants with them in the car, as the easiest and safest choice. If you have made the same decision, you would need to consider the steps needed of taking care of your plants during the move.

One of the biggest enemies for your plants would be the temperature. Make sure that your vehicle is neither too hot, nor too warm. If you would be taking pit stops along the way and staying in a hotel for the night, you would want to take your plants with you, so that they are not exposed to the huge temperature changes.

Depending on the size of your pots and how much room you have in your car, you might have to re-pot them temporary into plastic containers. A good idea is to also get a large cardboard box that would fit all of your plants.

Sometimes large pots are difficult to carry and manage – having all of them in one box will save you not only space, but also time from carrying just one plant at a time. 

After the Move

Once you have reached your new home, the last and most important step follows! The best way to think of it is by considering your plants as another party, which needs time to adjust to the new environment. The move can be as stressful for your plants as for a human or pet.

It can be overwhelming to think about all the boxes that need unpacking, but your plants should be very high on the list! It is a good idea to leave them by a window for a few days. This would mean they would get the essential sunlight they might have missed on during the transportation, plus a bit of time to acclimate to the new setting.

Do not forget to give them enough water, especially if their leaves look droopy. Make sure to take a close look of each one of your plants once you have arrived and check for any significant transportation damages.

Remove anything that looks unhealthy and allow a few days for your plants to recuperate! After this, you'll need to find the best place for them: bedroom, window, kitchen - each plant will have a different preference!

Moving with plants is not always an easy task. It takes time, research and preparation. If you think that your plants might not be able to make the move, it might be a good idea to consider donating them!